Flower School at Garden Valley Ranch

My first floral design workshop is this Sunday at the GORGEOUS Garden Valley Ranch in Petaluma. I'm so excited about this series! I'll be teaching floral design 101. The first two classes will cover all you need to know to get started and then some more advanced techniques for the last two sessions, I'll be sharing lots of tips and tricks along the way.

 You can sign up for any of them or all four. I love to teach and share my knowledge about flowers and design, it's so exciting to see people who love flowers learn how to take care of them and how to design. The best part is that Garden Valley is a stunning setting and they grow the most beautiful roses, I can't wait to get my hands on them. Here's the link to register for this Sunday's class:  https://gardenvalley.com/products/intro-to-floral-design-part-1-marion-moss-08062017

and the series: https://gardenvalley.com/products/marion-moss-floral-design-series-late-summer-2017

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